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The road to wealth is paved with patience.

"Persistence is needed, but Patience is a MUST." Ben J. -- 5 Billion Dollar Producer.

There are many Networking Secrets out in the industry that can make or break your Network Marketing Success. You know that, and I know that. We strive daily to make the right moves, and to do the right things that will create Success and the start of momentum.

Many times, we get into the actions of MLM, and things start slowing down, or even getting stopped up. The FLOW of Success seems so distant and unreal.

"Will this EVER happen," you think?

"Am I wasting my time?" you ask.

"Is this REALLY going to work?" you cry!

"Who am I trying to kid? I will never be successful!"

Then, you have a choice to make. You can either take minimum wage advice, or Billion Dollar advice. Both have their value. One has minimum value, and the other has EXTREME Value.

We all have a tendency to listen to minimum wage advice, as that is how we grew up, and embraced the function of life. Living life on the minimums is what we do and that is all.

But there are those few, who through the Eyes of Disgust, make a DECISION to SUCCEED- no matter what; to become WEALTHY- no matter what. And they do.

Wanna know the REAL secret to becoming a Networking FireStarter?
A 5 BILLION Dollar producer (you read that right-5 billion) told me something powerful years ago over breakfast. He was eating breakfast one morning before a conference. It took me awhile to get up the guts and to go over and invite myself to sit down. I had been in the business for about 9 months. He had been in for about 20 years.

When asked what the secret was to this business, without even looking up, he said one powerful word that rang in my ears, and echoed in my heart. It was sage wisdom from a powerful industry legend.

"Patience." he said. Then he went back to his breakfast.

Smiling and with a gentle spirit about him, he explained further: "It is NOT going to happen overnight, and it is going to require some time to learn and gather experience. If you are not getting the results you want, be patient. You are exactly where you need to be in the growth process. Don't leave the process of Success. Stay there, and GROW into Success."

You are exactly where you need to be in the growth process as well.

Patience has POWER within it, for Success. It also has a building factor within it that builds YOU as well as your business. Stay within that power of massive Growth and Success.

Doug Firebaugh